Awareness Evolution: Where Taboo Topics & Fresh Ideas Emerge

Allison Spencer on Sovereignty, Consent and Natural vs. Synthetic Timelines

Sheen Perkins and Allison Spencer Season 1 Episode 5

Allison Spencer joins Sheen to provide more clarity about how consent plays a vital role in sovereignty and what we can each to do create our own organic timelines from our natural sovereign expression of inner wholeness and unity.

Allison is an intent embody-er of the authentic, organic, and natural expressions of life,  sharing what she’s discovered about traversing the gap between old and new paradigms, through her website

What is Living High Fidelity? It is our natural sovereign expression of inner wholeness and unity. It is when we cannot be anyone other than our core essence. Shadows brought to light. Fragments reintegrated. Wounds healed. Doors closed to the imposition. How we get there starts with the Foundation we've set for ourselves. From there, a suite of *F* Bombs awaits
for you to choose where to Focus. Allison is delighted to share what she's learned along the way with her blogs.

Allison's upcoming book, Crash Landing of a Space Cadet, is certain to be a sensation!

Allison's 25+ years in education span preschool through university, in a rich spectrum of capacities and settings...something of a cosmic joke as she and school were not friends. ;-)

Book your mentoring session today through this link.

During the broadcast, Allison made a generous offer! To receive your gift, please follow
this link!

Be sure to also visit www.AwarenessEvolution.LIVE to participate in a gift exchange! Receive a Heart-Energy-Expanding audio that leads you through a Quantum Jump into a new reality of your choosing that is filled with fun and ease in exchange for your contact info! I promise to not share your information with anyone else.

Sheen at Awareness Evolution is looking for sponsors who will receive a variety of perks depending on the level of contribution you can make, including a commercial spot!

ALSO...Members at the Patreon site get to watch the videos and bloopers!!

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